or Agendas
Criteria, Facts, Customers
Meeting Rules
Measuring Results |
The Strategic Planning Team
Strategic planning is a team process. This chapter discusses
how to pick and set up the team; later, under Meetings
chapter, I discuss several meeting timelines to use
their time wisely. In the best of all worlds, the team
leader gets to pick his or her team, that seldom happens.
The best team size, five to seven members - an odd number
so you can vote to break a tie.
The best team membership - the smartest folks you can
find, a mix of adapters,
positioners and aligners.
The best team motivator - a piece of the action, the
responsibility to implement an idea.
I've set up and worked as the facilitator for many teams,
but often:
- Team size is usually determined by the number of
people who must be involved and can easily grow too
- Team membership is assigned solely by a job position
and not skill, yet
- Some team members are only fill-ins for the folks
with the real power, so they can't take responsibility
for their decisions.
The reality is that the team is made of those who will implement the plan and often strategic planning is not the strong suit of all involved. The reach their level of responsibly by getting the job done.
Team-based Forecasting |
Team Membership