Rational or
Experimental or
Corporate or
Business Unit or
Life Cycle
External Assessment
What is the Demand?
Internal Assessment
How Well Do We Supply?
Strategic Focus
Strategy Maps |
Supply - the internal world
Why Now? Changing our process - evolutionary or revolutionary change?
Visionaries take their current customers to the next level by adapting
their current business models - they disrupt the old ways. They recognize future demand
create markets - the demand side - and craft a business model - the supply
side - that will support it. Which way, evolutionary or disruptive,
is best? Depends ...
- How good are our process and people? Do you hate the phrase: "We
can do more with less!"
- Are our customers still paying because we offer something of real
- Do we need a radical change?
- How are we going to pay for it and sustain our business?
To answer these questions you have to merge your self-assessment with
the analysis of demand ... but, we're getting the cart before the horse
we are just starting the process.
The team leader and his or her boss
need to discuss "how soon?" What is the urgency? Urgency helps!