Strategic plans are often put on the back burner. As a strategic planning facilitator, I learned smart delegation is the key. My study matches the perspectives excutives I've worked with — overcome the barrier by individual accountablity for strategic tasks.
Review workload and delegate; Develop action plans assigning responsibility and deadlines. Make individuals accountable.
Refocus decision makers away from fires, usually at off-site thinking meetings
Dedicated staff for strategic planning
Make the strategic work part of the employees goals and provide incentives to achieve those goals
Track progress
Work on priorities and delay non-essentials, understand the source of the fires
Carve out time away from distractions (no phone, emails for a day)
Take a day off
Get a new job
Get a Android or throw away your Android (there were mixed feelings)
The bar length indicates the most likely method for success.
*Lessons learned from over 800 experienced executives on the
strategic planning process and their advice on best practice.
The longer the bar length the more likely the success.