Sell the benefit of using the strategic planning process
As a strategic planning facilitator, I learned many operators are more concerned about aligning to the current direction than planning for the future. Strategic planning is not their thing. To engage folks, to get them to dedicate their time, these excutives recommended:
Let people know benefits for them and the company
Reward and recognition for achievements that were planned and far exceeded expectations
CEO mandate, top down
Give ownership to the key players who will do the planning
Emphasize the value of a team process
Let an outside expert or consultant lay out the facts
Respond to an outside threat
Support your case with facts, industry findings, experts, peer group
Educate, communicate
The bar length indicates the most likely method for success.
*Lessons learned from over 800 experienced executives on the
strategic planning process and their advice on best practice.
The longer the bar length the more likely the success.