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A Practical Guide to Strategy Formulation
A Comprehensive Resource for the Strategic Planning Team
Strategic Thinking

The Guides

Clint Burdett's Articles on Ezine

My guide on strategic planning that
  • describes the process, explains the key concepts, helps you create a strategic plan that is visionary, focused, financially sound and executable
  • explains "how to" overcome barriers and improve implementation

I provide facilitation, analysis, and training to help:

  • formulate profitable strategies
  • improve senior executives strategic thinking
  • select and show you how to use the best strategic planning process step by step


Strategic planning  - process, leadership, results

Clint Burdett CMC®


I have retired and thank all of those who trusted my judgment.

The website is static, I seldom update it.

Clint Burdett CMC Emeritus FIMC

Clint Burdett Strategic Consulting - A Practical Guide to Strategic Planning
by an Expert Strategic Planning Consultant
©Arthur Clinton Burdett - All Rights Reserved   
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